The Crazy-to-Calm Coach

As a Wellness Educator certified by the WellGrounded Institute's Certification Program (USA), it's my privilege to help my clients bring more calm into their lives.

I know what crazy feels like. Two young children, a consulting business, studying for a Master's degree, an international move to an unfamiliar country -- I was overwhelmed and perpetually exhausted. 

Tired but wired, I had trouble falling or staying asleep. My brain would spin with everything that was on my plate. With my natural energy reserves depleted, I relied on caffeine and sugar to cope.

I prided myself in being busy and productive, but it couldn't last. Eventually I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. Rather than being a journey, my life was heading for a dead end.

Sound familiar?!

Tired of being physically, emotionally and mentally stressed, I began to investigate different approaches to diet, lifestyle, movement and emotions that would lower my stress response and soothe my nerves. Eventually I became a certified Women's Wellness Educator.

Here’s what I've learned: forget trying to manage your stress! Instead, manage your calm.

Imagine a life with more calm. Now let’s make it a reality.


Vered the Crazy-to-Calm Coach


Contact Vered for more info


Phone: +254-0722-328-297

Common Sense Disclaimer

The information presented on this site and in my classes is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for proper diagnosis and treatment by a licensed professional. It is your responsibility to discern what information provided is useful for your health, and to use my content in appropriate and common sense ways. Thank you!